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Playful Series is here.

Like a Cocoon

Little innovation can change the world

Zea Moneta
Zea Lux Play
Zea Lux Magnum

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We take the leap for earth

Fight against climate change and non-sustainable manufacturing become possible with 3d printing technology. In general, we produce 90% less waste and 50% energy savings compared to conventional manufacturing. In addition, additive manufacturing technology enables us to manufacture goods locally, thus reducing the environmental impact of shipping.

Another environmental benefit of additive manufacturing is fully recyclable materials. We can give old material a second life so nothing goes to waste. In the case where old materials are damaged to the point they can’t be recycled, it is still 100% biodegradable. Most of the fabrics we used are biocomposite, 100% recycled bottle plastic waste, therefore the waste will cause no harm to the environment.

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Our Commitment

Our manufacturing is using 3d printing technology and it cost zero waste. The infinite other benefit for the environment is to give old materials a second life as the products are fully recyclable materials.